
Biden’s Secret Order to His Staff Slips Out – And Trump Supporters Need to Hear It

Recent election polls are giving Democrats plenty to worry about. Some swing states show Trump with a ten-point lead over Biden. And Biden’s approval among must-need groups is waning.

It might be that Biden’s strategy to attack Trump and focus on abortion is working.

Now, word is coming out that Biden is ordering his staff to take drastic measures. Getting into the mud, he is giving this direct order to his campaign people. But you can smell the irony of his statement.

From Daily Wire:
“President Biden himself personally instructed some of his top campaign aides to be even more aggressive in highlighting some of President Trump’s more inflammatory and wild comments,” she said. “We’re told that the thrust of the president’s direction was to significantly ramp up the campaign’s efforts to highlight the ‘crazy s*** that Trump says in public.’”

“…Biden campaign [is] trying to highlight what they see as the black-and-white contrast between President Biden and former President Trump on everything, including their temperament, their worldviews, their policies.”

This will have plenty of Americans laughing out loud. Biden reportedly told his top campaign staff to highlight the “crazy s***” that Trump says in public. It appears the campaign’s sole strategy at this point is trying to throw mud at the Republican candidate.

Yet, Biden doesn’t seem to see how odd and embarrassing his command is. Biden continues to get himself into trouble over what he says in public. Trump might say some outlandish things, but they are often gobbled up by his supporters.

Biden, on the other hand, makes such troubling gaffes that his own party is deeply worried. During a press conference defending his ailing memory, Biden put his foot in it by forgetting people’s names and sounding like an angry old man.

The Democrat has a long history of telling confusing and at times disturbing stories. He has been accused of being racially insensitive and has made offensive comments to female reporters.

Biden was roasted by Special Counsel Hur, who claimed the president didn’t remember when he served as vice president. The white House has frequently tried to backtrack Biden’s statements, especially those that affected foreign policy.

If anyone should be worried about getting blasted for the crazy stuff they have said in public, it certainly isn’t Trump.

Key Takeaways:

  • A CNN reporter claims Biden told his staff to highlight the “crazy s***” Trump says.
  • Biden’s campaign seems to be focusing solely on attacking Trump at this point.
  • This comes as Biden continues to make troubling and embarrassing gaffes in public.

Source: Daily Wire


  • It’s the hypocrite in him…as everyone knows…he lies, cheats, sniffs and takes bribes not to mention destruction of American lives in the past 3 yrs plus ruining any savings of tax paying Americans….illegals love him and laugh at him and sahy how stupid Americans are….all on tape at the border…you can’t ake this up

  • What I don’t understand is people know he is capable of being president,why can’t they get him out.Why are we letting him destroy our country, he’s proven time and time again he can’t do the not for it but Camilla at least has her right mind. We all know Obama is running our country.

  • Joe Obiden should not engage in mud slinging, it will definitely backfire on him! The best thing President Trump can use is the fact that Hur and the special council found him unfit to stand trial, so how can he run a country and deal with very intelligent world leaders? But we are all aware that the Dumbocrats are trying to influence the election by filing bogus charges against President Trump! That is what they are going to try to focus their campaign on. They created the legal issues against President Trump and you can bet they are going to point out his legal issues, even though they are bogus. That is basically all the dumbocrats have! On the same note, President Trump can use O’biden’s impending Impeachment hearings and Hunter and Jim O’biden’s legal and Treasonous ventures!

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